Letter from the President

November 12, 2020

At GTC Broadband, our #1 goal is to provide our customers with the fastest and most reliable Internet service possible.  However, since it is technology, it is impossible for it to never go down or have some issue arise.  During the past 10 years, we have been investing in a completely underground Fiber to the Home network to serve all our customers in Granby and Diamond.  While we maintain control over this local part of the network, we cannot control the backbone connection that goes out to the world.

When something occurs in another city or another state, like Kansas City or Tulsa, we must wait until the problem is remedied in that location before our local service is restored, at which point we can restore service to our customers.

Generally, we are aware of any such outages within minutes, we are in touch with others on the network diagnosing the situation, and we are working to fix the problem as soon as possible.  Situations that cause outages can range from a server going down in Atlanta to a construction crew accidentally digging through a fiber optic cable in Kansas.  Many systems and networks are in place all over the country to make the Internet operate, and, in some cases, it only takes one incident to take it down.

We at GTC Broadband and Granby Telephone Co. would like to ask our customers to please be aware of these situations, and realize that while we can control many of the parts it takes to make your service work, there are some factors that are out of our control.

If we are suffering an outage, your team at GTC is hard at work to restore your services as soon as possible. We greatly value our customers, and we thank you for using GTC Broadband as your Internet Service Provider.


Jon C. Stouffer