Don’t forget to dial before you dig!

If you’re planning any construction projects where you’ll be digging into the ground, be sure you contact the Missouri One Call system to ensure no utility infrastructure will be damaged. Not only could you be liable for an expensive repair, but striking a utility line can also be very dangerous.

Missouri One Call is free and convenient to use. Just call 1-800-344-7483 or go online to to request a marking of your property. Utilities companies and GTC Broadband will then mark your property so you can avoid any hidden dangers. Please note, the request must be made at least three business days in advance of your project’s start date.

Look out for equipment above ground as well

Besides calling in advance to ensure you don’t strike buried lines, be on the watch for equipment that is above ground. When you see equipment, like our pedestals and cabinets, be sure to give them plenty of room when you’re mowing or doing any other activity that could damage them. Below is an example of what can happen if you don’t notice our equipment. If you strike any of our equipment, you could be liable for the cost of their repair.


Damage to a pedestal